On 1/28/2018 12:35 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
"Igal @ Lucee.org" <i...@lucee.org> writes:
I am trying to run a query which was working a few weeks ago, and it
utilizes the <<-> operator but I am getting an error: operator does not
exist text <<-> text.

If I try to install the pg_trgm extension with `CREATE EXTENSION
pg_trgm;` I get an error: extension "pg_trgm" already exists.
Seems like a likely bet is that the extension is installed in a schema
that isn't in your search_path.

Thank you, Tom.  I was unaware of the fact that extensions are installed to specific schemas.

For future users who might face this issue, I fixed it by re-creating the extension in the pg_catalog schema, which is always in the search_path [1]:


  CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm SCHEMA pg_catalog;

Thanks again,


[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-client.html#GUC-SEARCH-PATH

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