> I believe the main, and maybe only, concern is the bloating of the system
> catalog tables since you are constantly adding and removing records.  Yes,
> they will be vacuumed but vacuuming and bloat on catalog tables slows every
> single query down to some, degree since every query has to lookup its
> objects is those catalogs.  Though caching probably alleviates some of that

Yes, that's exactly the concern I heard, thanks for reminding me.

If I want to e.g. temporarily store a "setof records" or a "table" result
in a variable as part of a calculation in a plpgsql function, do I have any
other option than CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE?  It didn't seem to work when I
DECLAREd a variable of type "setof table_name" or "setof
table_name%rowtype", and then SELECT INTO it.

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