El 25/01/18 a las 17:20, support-tiger escribió:
> running postgresql 10.1 on Fedora 27.  Cannot install ruby pg gem due to
> missing libpq-fe.h file.  This is usually found in postgresql-devel but
> it is not in fedora 27 postgresql10-devel. If install postgresql-devel
> (9.6) the gem installs without problem but afraid this will interfere
> with 10.1  How can we install the necessary libpq-fe.h  ?  thks

Are you sure you don't have this file:

# rpm -ql postgresql10-devel-10.1-1PGDG.f26.x86_64 | grep libpq-fe.h

This is on Fedora 26, but I'd be surprised if it were missing in 27.

Martín Marqués                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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