On 01/01/2018, 17:45, "Peter Geoghegan" <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:

    On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 8:56 AM, Martin Moore <martin.mo...@avbrief.com> 
    > Can someone shed some light on this and advise how to prevent it 
    You're using v10, which has these two commits:
    Unfortunately, per the commit message of the first commit, it doesn't
    look like the tuple allocator uses any new strategy, at least until
    this v11 commit:
    My guess is that that would make a noticeable difference, once v11
    becomes available. Could you test this yourself by building from the
    master branch?
    Peter Geoghegan

Thanks Peter. I don’t really want to go down that route for various reasons. 
There’s a task that copies ‘old’ rows to various old_  tables and then deletes 
from the main tables, then does a vaccum and analyse. Tables only have 20-30k 
rows. I’m guessing this may be the trigger for the problem so have changed the 
timing from every 20 mins to once in the middle of the night when things are 

Would this explain the problem?


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