On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 12:24:25PM +0000, Virendra Shaktawat - Quipment India 
> [Quipment Logo]
> I have stuck at foreign data wrapper. I am accessing the form MS Sql Server. 
> Foreign table has been created with data. unfortunately I am unable to 
> perform DML operation like insert, update and delete on foreign table. 
> Whenever I tried to perform DML operation on foreign table we are getting 
> error i.e. "ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "test12"
> SQL state: 0A000"

You may want to see directly with the maintainers of the FDW you are using
for remote access. That's up to each FDW to use the set of APIs PostgreSQL
provides, and to support them when they come out.

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