On 2025-03-03 19:35 +0100, Jai Sharma wrote:
> When searching on the Postgres docs website, searching with the strings
> `@>` or `"@>"` returns no results.
> Ordinarily, I would expect to see results returned including this page (which
> was the page I was looking for):
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/functions-range.html

Any operator, in fact, because pgweb implements its search with
plainto_tsquery [1] which ignores punctuation.

> Can the search be updated to work with these characters please?

I don't see how because information about these operators (or any other
punctuation) is lost when pages are converted to tsvector by the web
crawler.  Maybe a separate operator index where you could search with
ctrl+f is an option.  But I don't know if that is feasible with the
current document structure without having to maintain basically two
separate operator docs.  But DocBook can certainly index symbols [2].

[2] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/bookindex.html#indexdiv-Symbols

Erik Wienhold

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