The following documentation comment has been logged on the website: Page: Description:
Referring to this page of the docs: This comment is at the bottom of the Notes section: "In some cases the join style is easier to write or faster to execute than the sub-select style." Feedback: 1. Nitpicky: Given the flow of this section, I'd suggest replacing the words "the join style" with "the USING style" to help with clarity for newbies. 2. Far more importantly: I'm sure this comment is true and accurate, but "In some cases" doesn't tell me much. I've actually come to this page specifically in search of that information, and it isn't here. In which cases would my code operate better with USING than with a sub-select? I assume there must be a reason USING was created as a non-standard extension feature just for Postgres, but what is that reason? Thanks! Eric