The following documentation comment has been logged on the website: Page: Description:
In 1. There is unused `PASSING` argument `filter2` Consider: ```sql SELECT jt.* FROM my_films, JSON_TABLE (js, '$.favorites[*] ? (@.films[*].director == $filter)' PASSING 'Alfred Hitchcock' AS filter, 'Vertigo' AS filter2 COLUMNS ( id FOR ORDINALITY, kind text PATH '$.kind', title text FORMAT JSON PATH '$.films[*].title' OMIT QUOTES, director text PATH '$.films[*].director' KEEP QUOTES)) AS jt; ``` Issue: `'Vertigo' AS filter2` is unused which is confusing Fix suggestion: Remove `filter2` or add a comment that it is an extra unused filter 2. Root jsonpath is confusing Consider: ```sql SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE ( '{"favorites": {"movies": [{"name": "One", "director": "John Doe"}, {"name": "Two", "director": "Don Joe"}], "books": [{"name": "Mystery", "authors": [{"name": "Brown Dan"}]}, {"name": "Wonder", "authors": [{"name": "Jun Murakami"}, {"name":"Craig Doe"}]}] }}'::json, '$.favorites[*]' COLUMNS ( user_id FOR ORDINALITY, NESTED '$.movies[*]' COLUMNS ( movie_id FOR ORDINALITY, mname text PATH '$.name', director text), NESTED '$.books[*]' COLUMNS ( book_id FOR ORDINALITY, bname text PATH '$.name', NESTED '$.authors[*]' COLUMNS ( author_id FOR ORDINALITY, author_name text PATH '$.name')))); ``` Issue: `$.favorites[*]` is used but `favorites` is an object (not an array). Without having knowledge about `lax`/`strict` it is confusing why it works. Also, it would fail if used in strict mode Fix suggestion: Use `$.favorites` or define `favorites` as a 1 item array or add a comment 3. Add example for `path_expression [ AS json_path_name ]` Issue: It is not clear how/why anyone would use `path_expression AS json_path_name` and it would be great to have an example for it