> On 27 Sep 2023, at 15:18, Peter Eisentraut <pe...@eisentraut.org> wrote:

> A slightly fancier variant that avoids having to hardcode the git web URL 
> pattern in a bunch of places:
> You mark it up like
>    <ulink url="file://src/include/access/tableam.h" type="pgsrc"/>
> and then write a bit of XSL to process that into whatever form you want.

Álvaro reminded me about this thread and after I went digging in old branches I
figured I'd share back where I left off in case anyone has any good ideas.  The
smallest version I had was:

+<!-- Support for genering links to PG gitweb -->
+<xsl:template match="ulink[@type='gitweb']">
+  <xsl:call-template name="ulink">
+    <xsl:with-param name="url" 
@url, ';hb=HEAD')"/>
+  </xsl:call-template>

This rewrites the url attribute into a gitweb url and call ulink to complete
the rendering.  The branch name should be an entity of course.

What I don't like about this is that the <ulink> can't be empty as the @url is
rewritten.  Normally the @url will be the text portion of the link which is
what one want.  With the above, we need this:

-   <filename>src/backend/access/nbtree/README</filename> and
+   <ulink url="src/backend/access/nbtree/README" 
type="gitweb">src/backend/access/nbtree/README</ulink> and

Without that the link text will be the full URL which clearly isn't appealing.
I don't think that's a net improvement, what I would to achieve instead is an
empty tag like:

<ulink url="src/backend/foo.c" type="gitweb" />

In HTML it should render <a href="..">src/backend/foo.c</a> and for formats
without hyperlinks it should just render src/backend/foo.c.  If the tag ins't
empty it should render the the link with the child element as usual.

Maybe it isn't hard, but I was unable to set the before-rewrite url attribute
as the child in case there are no children before invoking the ulink template.
Maybe someone has better XSLT skills and can make it work?

Daniel Gustafsson

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