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I can and have implemented triivial C/C++ functions to compile and link to Postgres. An example follows:- #include "postgres.h" #include "fmgr.h" #ifdef PG_MODULE_MAGIC PG_MODULE_MAGIC; #endif /* Function declaration */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(always_true); /* The function alwaysTrue() - returns true */ Datum always_true(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PG_RETURN_BOOL(true); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(is_WIN32); Datum is_WIN32(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { bool result = false; #ifdef WIN32 result = true; #endif PG_RETURN_BOOL(result); } This compiles and is linked as follows:- cc -fPIC -IC:/msys64/mingw64/include/POSTGR~1/server -shared -o ext.dll *.c -I/mingw64/include/POSTGR~1 cp ext.dll C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/. (from pg_config --pkglibdir C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1) I use pgAdmin to create or replace functions .... They work correctly. The problem I have arises when I try to add a non trivial function for my app. The function is :- PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(set_balance_with_id); Datum set_balance_with_id(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int32 arg0 = PG_GETARG_INT32(0); bool arg1 = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1); bool result = set_balance_with_id_cpp (arg0, arg1, 0.00f); PG_RETURN_BOOL(result); } The function set_balance_with_id_cpp is defined in a wrapper thus:- #include "LedgerOrAccount.h" #include "LedgerOrAccountWrapper.h" #include <iostream> // Define the C-compatible wrapper functions // Implement the C-compatible wrapper functions //extern "C" { // Define the C++ wrapper function for PostgreSQL bool set_balance_with_id_cpp(int id, bool debit, double balance) { double new_balance = 0.00f; try { // Create an instance of the LedgerOrAccount class LedgerOrAccount ledger(id); TransactionType transactionType = debit? DEBIT: CREDIT; // Call the setBalance method on the class new_balance = ledger.setBalance(balance, transactionType); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "set_balance_with_id_cpp -> " << e.what() << std::endl; } // Return true if balance is set successfully return (new_balance >= 0.00f); } Now I can compile the function into a shared library but when I try to load it, postgres cannot do so. pgAdmin:-> DEBUG: StartTransaction(1) name: unnamed; blockState: DEFAULT; state: INPROGRESS, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0 LOG: statement: LOAD 'my_extension'; DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/17/lib/my_extension" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/my_extension" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/mysys64/mingw64/lib/my_extension" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 3 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 3 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/17/lib/my_extension.dll" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/my_extension.dll" ERROR: could not load library "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/my_extension.dll": The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01 And in pgAdmin :- -- Load the shared library if not already loaded CREATE FUNCTION set_balance_with_id(int, double precision, boolean) RETURNS boolean AS 'my_extension', 'set_balance_with_id' LANGUAGE c STRICT; and identically, pgAdmin -> DEBUG: StartTransaction(1) name: unnamed; blockState: DEFAULT; state: INPROGRESS, xid/subid/cid: 0/1/0 LOG: statement: -- Load the shared library if not already loaded CREATE FUNCTION set_balance_with_id(int, double precision, boolean) RETURNS boolean AS 'my_extension', 'set_balance_with_id' LANGUAGE c STRICT; DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/17/lib/my_extension" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/my_extension" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/mysys64/mingw64/lib/my_extension" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 3 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 3 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/17/lib/my_extension.dll" DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: mapped win32 error code 2 to 2 DEBUG: find_in_dynamic_libpath: trying "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/my_extension.dll" ERROR: could not load library "C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/POSTGR~1/my_extension.dll": The specified module could not be found. SQL state: 58P01 my_extension is in the latter dir. Can you offer any advice or help to fix this issue? Thank you in advance, Conor