On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, "Сергей П (SergeiDos)" <
podrezov.ser...@gmail.com> wrote:

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> Hello!
> In the documentation for the Constraints section
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ddl-constraints.html there is a
> phrase: "So, to specify a named constraint, use the key word CONSTRAINT
> followed by an identifier followed by the constraint definition. (If you
> can't specify a constraint name in this way, the system choose a name for
> you.)"
> But nowhere in the documentation are the rules by which it generates names
> on its own described.

Correct.  Which means the specific name chosen is an implementation detail
that can change at any time and should not be relied upon by the DBA.  It
could be a randomly generated uuid for all it matters, but we do make some
attempt to make it readable.

Since they are user-facing values I do see some benefit to defining what is
being seen, though precisely how and to what purpose I am unsure.  If you
see a name it seems self-describing what it means if you have familiarity
with relational databases.  Telling a user what they will get when they
execute SQL without specifying a name is not something I would want to

David J.

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