
We encountered an issue related to internal memory allocation limit:
ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size

In the documentation on limits: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/limits.html the description suggests that only a single field is limited to 1GB, which could imply that the total tuple size can be larger. So as we planned to store three columns of 1GB each in a table and attempted to insert this data, we got the error.

Our research showed that the limit is imposed by the palloc() function, regardless of whether it is a tuple or not, and if the data is serialized or dumped, the effective limit can be even lower, typically around 512MB per row. So for allocations exceeding 1GB, the palloc_extended() function can be used. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I prepared a small patch for master, if it's worth clarifying, could you please review the attachment?

Ekaterina Kiryanova
Technical Writer
Postgres Professional
the Russian PostgreSQL Company
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/limits.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/limits.sgml
index f26f4466719..89c383d1db7 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/limits.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/limits.sgml
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@
      <entry>field size</entry>
      <entry>1 GB</entry>
-     <entry></entry>
+     <entry>limited by <function>palloc()</function> restriction; see note
+     below</entry>
@@ -146,4 +147,14 @@
   Typically, this is only an issue for tables containing many terabytes
   of data; partitioning is a possible workaround.
+ <para>
+  The 1 GB field size limit is imposed by the memory-allocating
+  <function>palloc()</function> function. The practical limit is less than
+  1 GB, especially if the data is serialized or dumped. In cases where
+  larger allocations are needed, <function>palloc_extended()</function>
+  can be used, as it bypasses this restriction by invoking
+  <function>malloc()</function> for large memory blocks, which allows
+  requesting memory directly from the operating system.
+ </para>

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