On Friday, September 13, 2024, Philipp Salvisberg <
philipp.salvisb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> Therefore, I suggest to change this example by adding a NULL
> >> statement as in other examples. This change would make the
> >> documentation consistent and handle the optionality of
> >> handler_statements as an implementation detail. I created a patch
> >> for plpgsql.sgml based on the master branch, adding a NULL statement
> >> in empty exception handlers (see attached file
> >> doc_patch_using_null_stmt_instead_of_empty_exception_handler_v1.diff).
> >
> > These examples have been around for 20 years with, and I think that it
> > is helpful to show this pattern as well.  So if I were to do something
> > about that, I would suggest the attached.
> I agree. Expressing the optionality in the synopsis/EBNF is the
> better way. Therefore I suggest adding the optionality also for the
> "statements" in this section (43.6.8. Trapping Errors). And of course,
> the optionality should be added for all related "statements" in other
> sections such as

This concept is already covered by:


These placeholders indicate where a set of statements goes.  That set is
not optional.  The set can be empty - as documented at the link above -
though IMO it is better to encourage representing the empty set as the
one-element set with the NULL no-op statement.  I would make all our
examples use NULL and the reader, if finding an example of an empty-set in
the wild, can be pointed to the above section for confirmation that it is
not a bug.

David J.

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