When the cluster was created, we did initdb /var/lib/pgsql10/data, the storagebox was not available. Then storagebox was delivered, we copied data folder to storagebox in /mnt/pgdata/pgdir and changed postgresql.conf. We didn't delete existing datafiles from /var/lib/pgsql10/data (db was empty).
- pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if old cluster is running PG Doc comments form
- Re: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if old cluster i... Tom Lane
- RE: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if old clust... Alain Bourgeois
- Re: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if old c... Tom Lane
- Re: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if o... Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if o... Tom Lane
- RE: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run... Alain Bourgeois
- Re: pg_upgrade -c cannot be... Tom Lane
- RE: pg_upgrade -c cannot be run if old clust... Alain Bourgeois