On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 4:30 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> On the whole I'm inclined to do nothing here; these docs have to
> satisfy a number of requirements, and "every example should be
> copy-and-pasteable" doesn't seem like a good constraint to add.
> Another idea perhaps could be to remove enough digits from the
> example that it doesn't cause overwidth warnings in the PDF ---
> but I'm not sure that's feasible in a 3-column table.  Or we
> could just drop this one example.
Another option, write:
"Same as input."
in the other two columns - so one doesn't have to look closely at some 30
characters of hex to prove to themselves the inputs and outputs are indeed

Would do it elsewhere for consistency - it also does make the case stand
out which I think is a plus and part of the point of the table.

David J.

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