
On Thu, 28 Nov 2024 at 11:38, Anil Sahoo <anil.sa...@enterprisedb.com>

> Hi Dave,
> I have mentioned the requirements for the deployment server to add
> auto-update in macOs systems.
> The frontend will request deployment server with Accept: application/json
> and the current version of pgAdmin and the architecture of macOs system and
> server will check if any update is available or not, if update available
> then server responds with status code 200 OK  and sends the below format
> JSON response in the body.
> Example of deployment url:
> https://your-deployment-url.com/update/darwin/8.12
> Example of response:
> {
>     "url": "https://your-deployment-url.com/your-app-8.13-darwin.zip";,
>     "name": "8.13",
>     "notes": "Theses are some release notes innit",
>     "pub_date": "2024-09-18T12:29:53+01:00"
> }
> Here url is mandatory and others are optional.
> Squirrel will request "url" with Accept: application/zip and only supports
> installing ZIP updates.
> "pub_date" if present must be formatted according to ISO 8601.
> If no update is required, the server must respond with a status code
> of 204 No Content.

Ah, OK - so it's just the metadata. We can handle that pretty easily in the
pgaweb code.

> And for Windows systems, Electron recommended to use electron-winstaller
> or electron forge as using these packages will use Squirrel.Windows for
> creating windows installer and that will help in triggering custom launch
> events and that can be handled by our application for proper setup. But
> what I think is, as we are using Inno setup for creating our Windows
> installer, we can try updating our application with existing way only, if
> something does not work then we have the option to change our installer
> creation process.

So one thing that springs to mind is that on Windows, this is only likely
to work with per-user installations, however, generally the default is for
machine-wide installations. Have you given that any thought?

> Thanks,
> Anil
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 10:34 PM Dave Page <dp...@pgadmin.org> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 07:58, Anil Sahoo <anil.sa...@enterprisedb.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dave/Team,
>>> I am currently working on the auto-update feature of pgAdmin 4 desktop
>>> application, #5766 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/5766>
>>> .
>>> As we are using Electron for shipping our desktop application, I have
>>> gone through some possible ways we can implement the auto update of the
>>> app.
>>> I found 2 most popular ways, that are
>>>    1. *Use builtin electron’s autoUpdater* (Uses the Squirrel framework
>>>    & Available for Mac, Windows)
>>>    2. *Use electron-builder and electron-updater packages *(Available
>>>    for Mac, Windows and Linux systems)
>>> *Linux systems:*
>>>    - Builtin Electron’s autoUpdater support is not available.
>>>    - electron-builder and electron-updater can be used, but need to
>>>    change the whole build process. Also most apps like VS code, Chrome, etc
>>>    does not support auto-update of apps on linux systems.
>>> We should not try to auto-update on Linux, because we're using the
>> platform native packaging and auto-updating will cause nasty problems with
>> that.
>>> *Mac systems:*
>>>    - We can use the builtin Electron’s autoUpdater to add auto-update
>>>    feature to macOs systems, It is simple and easy to configure. We need a
>>>    minor modification in our build process i.e. as we are supporting Intel 
>>> and
>>>    Apple silicon chips, deployment url will have 2 zip files and each zip 
>>> file
>>>    will hold the build for arm64 and x86_64.
>>>    - electron-builder and electron-updater can be used. With this, we
>>>    have to change the whole build process.
>>> *Windows systems:*
>>>    - We can use the builtin Electron’s autoUpdater to add auto-update
>>>    feature to windows systems, Here also we need to change our build 
>>> process.
>>>    Electron’s docs recommend using electron-winstaller or electron forge to
>>>    create the installer and some extra changes are needed in the deployment
>>>    server.
>>>    - electron-builder and electron-updater can be used. With this, we
>>>    have to change the whole build process.
>>> As Electron's builtin autoUpdater is easy to use so for now we can move
>>> with the auto-update of the pgAdmin app on macOs systems as it requires
>>> minimal changes.
>> That certainly sounds like the better option. A couple of questions:
>> - What changes are required in the deployment server? We are very limited
>> here, as we deploy through the postgresql.org infrastructure.
>> - Whilst the docs (for Windows) recommend using electron-winstaller or
>> electron forge, can you confirm one of them *must* be used? Our current
>> installer is pretty standard in the way it works, so I'm curious to know if
>> we would actually need to change technology for a specific reason.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Dave Page
>> pgAdmin: https://www.pgadmin.org
>> PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org
>> pgEdge: https://www.pgedge.com
> --
> *Anil Sahoo*
> Software Development Engineer II
> LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/anilksahoo9/> || Blog
> <https://www.enterprisedb.com/anil-sahoo> || *GitHub
> <https://github.com/anilsahoo20>*
> enterprisedb.com

Dave Page
pgAdmin: https://www.pgadmin.org
PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org
pgEdge: https://www.pgedge.com

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