yds <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #4 from yds <> ---
I might be suffering from this same issue on FreeBSD 14.2-STABLE.

14.2-RELEASE kernel and modules built on Nov 29th are the last known good set
I'm using in production as a failsafe.

on 14.2-STABLE the kernel panics happen within an hour, but only the two CARP
failover configured router boxes in production.  non-router server boxes work

panics happen both on the weekly snapshot kernels downloaded from
and on my locally built and configured kernels.  the fact that I can reproduce
the issue on the weekly snapshot kernels from rules out that it's
my local kernel config or build environment at fault.

here's the panic messages from the BACKUP router in the production CARP pair on
`14.2-STABLE #0 stable/14-n269923-9bc9cf4a2ae7-dirty` Dec 14th kernel:

both times the panic happened after about 55 minutes of uptime.  that seems to
be the average uptime with these problematic 14.2-STABLE kernels.

- pf.conf & related configs:

I can provide any other "related configs" to help get this bug squashed.  I can
also build custom kernels with whatever patches we need to test and try them
out on the backup production router where these panics happen.

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