--- Comment #5 from ---
Anyone can help to check on this issue please.

The device which we are using has an on chip memory of 32 MB. Kernel is
allocating  prefetchable memory for all the 64 VFs.

We do not see any issue on Intel CPU to create 64 VFs as the FreeBSD kernel is
able to grow memory as seen from the log:

dre_drv0: DRE_drvIovInit: Called with num_vfs 64.
pcib7: allocated memory range (0xa3d00000-0xa40fffff) for rid 254 of dre_drv0
dre_drv0: Lazy allocation of 0x400000 bytes rid 0x254 type 3 at 0xa3d00000
pcib7: allocated memory range (0xa4100000-0xa41fffff) for rid 260 of dre_drv0
dre_drv0: Lazy allocation of 0x100000 bytes rid 0x260 type 3 at 0xa4100000
pcib7: attempting to grow memory window for (0-0xffffffff,0x2000000)
        front candidate range: 0xa1d00000-0xa3cfffff
        back candidate range: 0xa6280000-0xa827ffff
pcib7: grew memory window to 0xa1d00000-0xa62fffff
pcib7: allocated memory range (0xa1d00000-0xa3cfffff) for rid 264 of dre_drv0
dre_drv0: Lazy allocation of 0x2000000 bytes rid 0x264 type 3 at 0xa1d00000

But, when we try it on an AMD EPYC CPU, we see following error and it is not
able to allocate memory:

dre_drv0: DRE_drvIovInit: Called with num_vfs 64.
pcib15: allocated memory range (0xf9000000-0xf93fffff) for rid 254 of dre_drv0
dre_drv0: Lazy allocation of 0x400000 bytes rid 0x254 type 3 at 0xf9000000
pcib15: allocated memory range (0xf9400000-0xf94fffff) for rid 260 of dre_drv0
dre_drv0: Lazy allocation of 0x100000 bytes rid 0x260 type 3 at 0xf9400000
pcib15: attempting to grow memory window for (0-0xffffffff,0x2000000)
        front candidate range: 0xf7000000-0xf8ffffff
        back candidate range: 0xfb580000-0xfd57ffff
dre_drv0: 0x2000000 bytes of rid 0x264 res 3 failed (0, 0xffffffffffffffff).
dre_drv0: DRE_drvIovUnInit: Called.

Can anyone help to confirm if its an issue related to FreeBSD kernel.

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