This is going to land soon, in 15. So 14 will keep the old ioctls, but they’ll disappear in 15.
Best regards,
On 6 Apr 2023, at 16:21, Kristof Provost wrote:

Quick heads up that there are going to be breaking changes to the pf API towards userspace for 14.0. (That is, the ioctl interface presented by /dev/pf).
I’ve been rewriting several types of calls to start using nvlists, 
because otherwise it’s basically unmanageable to extend calls (which 
we pretty much have to do to add new features).
The old struct-based ioctls have been left in place so far, but as 
that’s a substantial amount of (now untested!) code I’m very keen 
to be able to remove.
To be very explicit: removal of old ioctls will only ever affect new 
major versions. That is, 14.0 at the earliest. I will not break 
stable/12 or stable/13 or 13.2 or …
The initial breaking change is . 
That removes DIOCCLRSTATES and DIOCKILLSTATES, which are now 
To make that all easier for userspace to manage there’s libpfctl, 
which wraps all of the API details. That port will be available for 
all supported platforms (when 
lands, soon).
There are likely to be more changes in the future, so I’d strongly 
encourage all API users to migrate to using libpfctl rather than 
trying to roll their own implementations.
Here’s an example of how security/snortsam needed to be changed to 
cope with the above:
    commit 1136cf1ef66dc93397455818dfce0794d4e65170 (HEAD -> 
    Author: Kristof Provost <>
    Date:   Sun Apr 2 07:01:06 2023 +0200

        security/snortsam: use libpfctl

FreeBSD main will remove DIOCKILLSTATES soon. We can use libpfctl to
        accomplish the same task though.

        Sponsored by:   Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate")

diff --git a/security/snortsam/Makefile b/security/snortsam/Makefile
    index fbd106774..18ad44448 100644
    --- a/security/snortsam/Makefile
    +++ b/security/snortsam/Makefile
    @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     PORTNAME=      snortsam
     PORTVERSION=   2.70
     CATEGORIES=    security
    @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ SAMTOOL_DESC= install samtool

     .include <>

     USE_RC_SUBR=   snortsam
     SUB_FILES=     pkg-message \
diff --git a/security/snortsam/files/patch-src_Makefile b/security/snortsam/files/patch-src_Makefile
    new file mode 100644
    index 000000000..59936d3d1
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/security/snortsam/files/patch-src_Makefile
    @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
    +--- src/Makefile.orig  2010-03-29 20:57:55 UTC
    ++++ src/Makefile
    +@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ SAMTOOL = samtool
    + PROG    = snortsam
    + SAMTOOL = samtool
    +-CFLAGS  = -O2 -D$(SYSTYPE) $(DEBUG)
    +-LDFLAGS =
    ++CFLAGS  = -O2 -D$(SYSTYPE) $(DEBUG) -I/usr/local/include
    ++LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -lpfctl
    + SYSTYPE = `uname`
    + # OS specific flags
diff --git a/security/snortsam/files/patch-src__ssp_pf2.c b/security/snortsam/files/patch-src__ssp_pf2.c
    index 81ce7d93e..00327f19c 100644
    --- a/security/snortsam/files/patch-src__ssp_pf2.c
    +++ b/security/snortsam/files/patch-src__ssp_pf2.c
    @@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
---- ./src/ssp_pf2.c.orig 2009-11-27 02:39:40.000000000 +0100
    -+++ ./src/ssp_pf2.c    2014-01-20 19:03:47.000000000 +0100
    -@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
    +--- src/ssp_pf2.c.orig 2009-11-27 01:39:40 UTC
    ++++ src/ssp_pf2.c
    +@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
    + #include "snortsam.h"
    + #include "ssp_pf2.h"
    ++#include <libpfctl.h>
    + unsigned int PF2use_anchor = TRUE;
    + unsigned int PF2val_count = 0;
+@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ int parse_opts(char *line, opt_pf2 *opt, char *sep, ch

    @@ -9,3 +17,79 @@

+@@ -393,20 +394,21 @@ pf2_kill_states(int pfdev, const char *ipsrc, int tin,
    + {
    +     char   msg[STRBUFSIZE + 2];
    +     struct pf_addr pfa;
    +-    struct pfioc_state_kill psk;
    ++    struct pfctl_kill k;
    +     sa_family_t saf;        /* stafe AF_INET family */
    +     unsigned long killed=0, killed_src=0, killed_dst=0;
    ++    unsigned int kcount;
    +     bzero(&pfa, sizeof(pfa));
    +-    bzero(&psk, sizeof(psk));
    ++    bzero(&k, sizeof(k));
    +     if (ipsrc == NULL || !ipsrc[0])
    +       return (-1);
    +     if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ipsrc, &pfa.v4) == 1)
    +-          psk.psk_af = saf = AF_INET;
    ++ = AF_INET;
    +     else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, ipsrc, &pfa.v6) == 1)
    +-          psk.psk_af = saf = AF_INET6;
    ++ = AF_INET6;
    +     else {
    +       snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) - 1, "invalid ipsrc");
    +       logmessage(3, msg, "pf2", 0);
+@@ -415,40 +417,31 @@ pf2_kill_states(int pfdev, const char *ipsrc, int tin,
    +     /* Kill all states from pfa */
    +     if (tin || PF2_KILL_STATE_ALL) {
+- memcpy(&psk.psk_src.addr.v.a.addr, &pfa, sizeof(psk.psk_src.addr.v.a.addr)); +- memset(&psk.psk_src.addr.v.a.mask, 0xff, sizeof(psk.psk_src.addr.v.a.mask));
    +-      if (ioctl(pfdev, DIOCKILLSTATES, &psk)) {
++ memcpy(&k.src.addr.v.a.addr, &pfa, sizeof(k.src.addr.v.a.addr)); ++ memset(&k.src.addr.v.a.mask, 0xff, sizeof(k.src.addr.v.a.mask));
    ++      if (pfctl_kill_states(pfdev, &k, &kcount)) {
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) - 1, "Error: DIOCKILLSTATES failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
    +           logmessage(1, msg, "pf2", 0);
    +       }
    +       else {
+-#if OpenBSD >= 200811 /* since OpenBSD4_4 killed states returned in psk_killed */
    +-          killed_src += psk.psk_killed;
    +-          killed_src += psk.psk_af;
    ++          killed_src += kcount;
    + #ifdef FWSAMDEBUG
+ printf("Debug: [pf2] killed %lu (tin) states for host %s\n", killed_src, ipsrc);
    + #endif
    +       }
    +-    psk.psk_af = saf; /* restore AF_INET */
    +     }
    +     /* Kill all states to pfa */
    +     if (tout || PF2_KILL_STATE_ALL) {
+- bzero(&psk.psk_src, sizeof(psk.psk_src)); /* clear source address field (set before for incomming) */ +- memcpy(&psk.psk_dst.addr.v.a.addr, &pfa, sizeof(psk.psk_dst.addr.v.a.addr)); +- memset(&psk.psk_dst.addr.v.a.mask, 0xff, sizeof(psk.psk_dst.addr.v.a.mask));
    +-      if (ioctl(pfdev, DIOCKILLSTATES, &psk)) {
++ bzero(&k.src, sizeof(k.src)); /* clear source address field (set before for incomming) */ ++ memcpy(&k.dst.addr.v.a.addr, &pfa, sizeof(k.dst.addr.v.a.addr)); ++ memset(&k.dst.addr.v.a.mask, 0xff, sizeof(k.dst.addr.v.a.mask));
    ++      if (pfctl_kill_states(pfdev, &k, &kcount)) {
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) - 1, "Error: DIOCKILLSTATES failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
    +           logmessage(1, msg, "pf2", 0);
    +       }
    +       else {
+-#if OpenBSD >= 200811 /* since OpenBSD4_4 killed states returned in psk_killed */
    +-          killed_dst += psk.psk_killed;
    +-          killed_dst += psk.psk_af;
    ++          killed_dst += kcount;
    + #ifdef FWSAMDEBUG
+ printf("Debug: [pf2] killed %lu (tout) states for host %s\n", killed_dst, ipsrc);
    + #endif

Tl;dr If you maintain a port that uses /dev/pf you’re going to have to start using net/libpfctl.
Best regards,

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