On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 07:33:24PM +0100, Goran Mekić wrote:
> Hello!
> I know PF now supports dummynet in 14-CURRENT, but I couldn't find the
> syntax for it and general doc on how to use it. I could probably figure
> out some bits and pieces from the code but if there is anything written,
> I would be glad if someone could point it out.
> Regards,
> meka


To answer my own question, there are two parts, one configured in pf.conf, the
other configured through dnctl.

# dnctl pipe 1 config bw 300KByte/s

In /etc/pf.conf:

pass in quick inet from <IP of my test machine> to any dnpipe 1

I used "scp -4" for the test. One more useful command is

# dnctl pipe show

I wonder if VNET works, but I'll research that on other occasion. I
figured out this much from tests for PF, so I'm not sure that's all there is
to dummynet.


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