A natural language data/time parser could show off grammars.

On Nov 9, 2010, at  06:03 AM, Paweł Pabian wrote:

> One of the subjects can be I/O, which was completly redesigned in P6.
> - where did diamond operator go, how can I do "while (<>) {}" in P6?
> - how to auto-iterate over STDIN, "perl -n'' switch in action
> - basic file operations: opening, closing, reading, writing, fseek, flushing, 
> utf8 mode
> - listing directories
> bbkr
> On Saturday, 6 November 2010 13:51:25 Tadeusz Sośnierz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As I accidentally volunteered for managing a list of topics and writers
>> for this year's Advent Calendar [1], I started to collect some ideas of
>> things it'd be nice to write about. There's a gist [2] with the list of
>> things from the top of my head. If you have any ideas, please post them,
>> bonus points if you could write about it.
>> Regards,
>> Ted
>> [1] http://perl6advent.wordpress.com/
>> [2] https://gist.github.com/664348

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