Thank you!

On 1/13/25 18:20, William Michels via perl6-users wrote:
Hi Todd,

First I should apologize for one of my earlier posts. The first token was a bit of a 
jumble. I think now you just want the literal string "download" to start your 

As per usual I tried a few different approaches to your regex problem, and posted what I 
thought was the best one, However an older iteration crept into one of my email posts: it 
used `^` which is Raku's zero-width "start-of-string" regex token.

If you use `^` you will capture from the start-of-string onward, in this case through the 
`.*?` any-character token and up to the \> angle. You may not want this as it actually 
means the word "download" isn't required for you to capture that sequence of 

I'm not sure where you got the impression that `\...\` actually means anything specific in Raku. If you're asking for 
a match against alphanumeric characters in Raku you don't have to escape them. Anything else (e.g. punctuation) you'll 
have to escape. So this means if you're trying to match ">" the "greater-than" sign (angle), 
you'll have to escape it  via a backslash (e.g. `\>`), or by quoting (e.g. ">").

For non-alphanumeric characters, an unescaped punctuation characters is reserved for special 
"metacharacter" purposes: for example an unescaped "." dot means 
"any-character". You'll also note backslashing used to denote characters that are difficult to 
represent otherwise. Think for example how `\n` means newline, `\t` means tab. There are others: `\s` means 
whitespace, `\h` means horizontal-whitespace, and `\v` means vertical whitespace. Also `\S` means 
non-whitespace, `\H` means non- horizontal-whitespace, and `\V` means non- vertical-whitespace.

I've also posted direct links to Raku regex forms, such as `<?before ... >` (a 
positive lookahead) and `<?after ... >` (a positive lookbehind). You can try this in 
the REPL:

[0] > my $a = "XYZ"
[1] > say $a ~~ m/ <?after X > Y <?before Z > /;

Try reading that out loud in English, "say $a smartmatching against a requested `m` 
match comprising after-X, Y, before-Z". If you read it that way, you'll understand 
why only the `「Y」` ends up in the match variable. You can also `andthen` the smartmatch, 
which will put the match in the `$_` topic variable for you, which can help with 

[1] > $a ~~ m/ <?after X > Y <?before Z > / andthen put $_.Str;

I'll try to go through and correct what you wrote below. Best, Bill.

On Jan 12, 2025, at 03:11, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <> 

Hi Bill,

Please correct my notes.

Many thanks,

my @y = $x ~~ m:g/ <?before ^ | download > .*? <?before \> | \h+ > /;

`m:g`     # match and global
`\...\`   # the constrains (beginning and end) of the match
NO, backslashes are used to escape non-alphanumeric characters, denote 
invisible characters (e.g. `\n`), etc.
`<...>`   # constraints of instructions inside the match
NO, `<?after ... >` is a lookbehind and `<?before ... >` is a lookahead.

First instruction: `<?before ^ | download >`
NO, this should just be the literal string `download` (or `"download"`)

  `?download ^`   # positive look-behind, match but don`t capture `download `
                  # `^` means "look behind"

  `|`             # This is logical "OR"

  `download `     # positive look-behind, match but don`t capture `download `

   summary: capture everything behind `before ` or capture just `download`

Second instruction: `.*?`
   `.*?`       # any-character, one-or-more, frugal up to the third instruction

Third instruction: `<?before \> | \h+ >`
NO, SIMPLIFY THIS TO  `<?before \>` and the match will stop when it encounters  ">" the "greater-than" 
sign (angle). Because you're using a lookahead (match characters and "lookahead" to find a pattern but don't capture, 
example ), the ">" angle doesn't get captured.

   `<?before \>`  # positive look-ahead, match but don`t capture `download \>`
KINDA, the actual construct is `<?before \> >` or (even more readable), `<?before 
">" >`
                  # Note that the `\` in `\>` is escaping the `>` and is 
KINDA, the `\` backslash in front of a non-alphanumeric is a rule in Raku. If 
it isn't backslashed Raku will try to interpret the non-alphanumeric as a 
                  # the `>` from the instructions constraints and making is part
                  # of the match
The unescaped `>` is part of the lookahead/lookbehind construct, either  `<?after ... 
>` (lookbehind) or  `<?before ... >` (lookahead).

  `|`             # This is logical "OR"

  `\h+ `          # one-or-more horizontal whitespace character

  summary: capture everything before `before` or one-or-more whitespace 
KINDA. Match the previous tokens, and stop matching when (before) you find 
one-or-more whitespace characters.


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