"The programmer may not even be aware that some of his coding is intended to compensate for a limitation of the machine. In which case he could hardly be expected to mark it. For instance, much programming has to be done to overcome the limited precision of our machines-- or better still, the fact that they do not calculate with real numbers but only with a limited set of rationals. Yet programmers tend to forget that these are limitations of the hardware and come to think of them as facts of life."
Gerald M. Weinberg, "Psychology of Computer Programming" (1971) The Raku Study Group Dec 8, 2024, 1pm in California, 9pm in the UK An informal meeting: drop by when you can, show us what you've got, ask and answer questions, or just listen and lurk. Perl and programming in general are fair game, along with Raku, Zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84636910896?pwd=ASoFTwywErjaEDn2XAa3GYfnab1alL.1 Passcode: 4RakuRoll