On 11/18/24 20:06, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
I am getting flooded with tmp files.  I though
I was erasing them (unlink).  What am I doing
use File::Temp;
my Str $TmpFile = $?FILE;
$TmpFile ~~ s| .* $( Q[/] ) ||;  # we need just the name
$TmpFile ~~ s| $( Q[.] ) .* ||;

($TmpFile, $TmpHandle) = tempfile(:tempdir("."), $TmpFile ~ "_******" ~ ".tmp" );
($TmpFile, $TmpHandle) = tempfile(:tempdir("."), :!unlink);

It seems that all my tmp files are being removed
when my program exits normally.  It was crashing
until I fix a problem.

But why wait till the program exits when I tell
it to unlink before that?

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