On 11/4/24 23:54, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Windows 11 24H2
RakudoΓäó v2024.07

[0] > use Terminal::ANSIColor;  # qx[ color ];

[1] > print color('bold'), color('52'), "abc", color('reset');
←[1m←[38;5;52mabc←[0m[1] >

[1] > print color('bold'), color('red'), "abc", color('reset');
←[1m←[31mabc←[0m[1] >

Coke figured this out for me over on the chat line.
As of Windows 10, ANSI processing if disabled by
default.  You change it back with:

; Allow progams to wite ANSI color to terminals

Since I know have a module to read and write the registry,
my next step is to see if I can change the setting and
have it work without having to exit the terminal and/or
reboot the machine.

Thank you all for the help!


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