On 11/12/24 22:20, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,
Windows 11-24H4 Pro
After upgrading to
I am throwing this error:
Internal error: unhandled target type
in method AT-POS
at C:
\Rakudo\share\perl6\core\sources\E72A080325813175F67842B7D3CC6BFBA617C343 (NativeCall::Types) line 114
in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at 'SETTING::'src/core.c/
array_slice.rakumod line 14 in sub GetSession at C:
\NtUtil\NativeWinUtils.rakumod (NativeWinUtils) line 255
in block <unit> at CobianWrapper.pl6 line 908
This is NativeWinUtils.rakumod (NativeWinUtils) line 255
244: my $array = nativecast(Pointer[WTS_SESSION_INFOA], $ppSession.deref);
255: if $array[$i].State.EVAL eq 0 {
256: $Session = $array[$i].SessionId.EVAL;
257: if not $Debug { last; }
258: }
Any idea what this is about?
Many thanks,
Now this is weird. Thjis is line 908 of CobianWrapper.pl6
908: print " $IAm\'s session ID is <$SessionID> API Session ID is <"
~ GetSession() ~ ">\n\n";
And I had the wrong line 225
sub GetWTSEnumerateSession(
BOOL WTSEnumerateSessionsA(
[in] HANDLE hServer,
[in] DWORD Reserved,
[in] DWORD Version,
[out] PWTS_SESSION_INFOA *ppSessionInfo,
[out] DWORD *pCount
Returns zero if this function fails.
DWORD $hServer, # [in] HANDLE
DWORD $Reserved, # [in] always 0
DWORD $Version, # [in] always 1
Pointer[Pointer] $ppSessionInf is rw, # [out] see
DWORD $pCount is rw # [out] DWORD
225: is native("Wtsapi32.dll")
is symbol("WTSEnumerateSessionsA")
returns DWORD # If the function fails, the return value is zero.
{ * };