On 10/10/24 00:24, Marc Chantreux wrote:
hello People,
As I started to write some code again, I gave a talk about "why Raku for
the research community" (It's in french, sorry about that).
I had positive feedbacks and some questions so I wrote the ones I
remembered there:
the "things I miss from perl" triggered me. Any help about it ?
Hi Marc,
liz made a port of the P5 Env module:
For your multi-has, there is already
has ($.foo, $.bar, $.baz) is rw
and with a role that's parameterized on a list of strings for attribute
names you can have the role's ^parameterize method build up the
attributes and also a method new that does the @attrs Z=> @args step for
That would probably make for a good ecosystem module. Something like
Tuple::Named, because it's a bit like python's namedtuple?
On the way out, you may find the Capture method interesting, which by
default gives you named parameters in it for each attribute.
call .pairs on the Capture, then you'll have Pair objects which already
.Str to key and value joined by a \t by default.
I'm not sure what you mean by $o->$_ exactly, my guess is the @user{
@attrs } = ... bit?
For addressing an attribute by its name, you would want to use "method
named by string" syntax: $foo."the_name_is_$foo"() which you can then
assign to if you like.
Hope that helps!
- Timo