On 10/10/24 12:31, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Oh you know it would be helpful to show the results:


    Specify a prefix and suffix for the filename:

my ($filename, $filehandle) = tempfile(:prefix('foo'), :suffix(".txt"));

Note that tempfile returns a tuple containing the filename and a filehandle to the temporary file. You can use the filehandle to write to the file, and the filename to access the file later.

Make sure to use the use File::Temp statement at the top of your Raku program to enable the File::Temp module.

When I followed your link I got a slightly different answer:

Note that the |tempfile| subroutine returns a list containing the filename and a filehandle. You can use the filehandle to write to the file, and then close it when you’re done:

|$filehandle.write("Hello, world!"); # write to the file $filehandle.close; # close the file|

Remember to unlink the file when you’re finished with it to avoid leaving temporary files lying around:

|$filehandle.unlink; # unlink the file|

Alternatively, if you’re using Raku 2020 or later, you can use the |IO::Path| class to create a temporary file:

|my $tmpfile = IO::Path.new(:temp);|

This will create a temporary file with a random name in the system’s temporary directory. You can then use the |write| and |close| methods to interact with the file.

Here you can see the Broken Clock Machine working as expected:

1) IO::Handle.write is for writing binary data with Buf, and trying to pass a string will give you a type error

2) IO::Handle doesn't have an unlink method, only IO::Path does. You can do $filehandle.path.unlink if you want.

3) There is no "Raku 2020", there is rakudo versions from 2020 of course, but the versions of the Raku language have letters instead.

4) The :temp argument to IO::Path.new is as far as I know just not a thing, and has never been. And even if it existed, you have to .open on an IO::Path before you can .close or .write to it.

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