Hi to everyone.
We have reformatted all the documentation into an EBook! It is now
available from the docs.raku.org website.
Click on More, then EBook, read the popup and download the book.
THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT, so there's things wrong and help is needed to get
it right.
Why have EBook? Its an offline form of the documentation, and is smaller.
The EPUB 3 specification is targetted, but most ebook readers seem to
require some EPUB 2 components (see below).
On a desktop, the Calibre reader and editor read the book correctly.
Callibre is cross platform.
On an Android I have tried a couple of readers, but nothing stands out
yet. Moon+works but doesnt like the Table of Contents (see below), One
reader wouldnt load the book.
Problems needing help.
1. EPUB 3 differs from EPUB 2 by the Table of contents. Epub 3 requires
and xhtml format (provided), but Epub 2 requires a ncx format (not
provided). So first task for someone is to look at how the xhtml toc
file is created and create a ncx one.
Most Ebook readers assume that the ncx file is available, even though
for Epub 3 it is not required.
On doc-website, the relevant plugin is EBook/plugins/ebook-embedd.
Once the file is generated, some experimenting will be needed to work
out how best to incorporate it into the ebook.
2. The CSS could be improved.
- the code snippets are fixed format and highlighted. Some TLC is needed
3. A cover image is needed.
Richard Hainsworth
aka finanalyst