Margaret Masterman, "The Nature of a Paradigm" (1970): "This pre-scientific and philosophic state of affairs sharply contrasts, however, with *multi-paradigm science*, with that state of affairs in which, far from there being no paradigm, there are on the contrary too many. (This is the present overall situation in the psychological, social and information sciences.) ... each sub-field as defined by its technique is so obviously more trivial and narrow than the field as defined by intuition, and also the various operational definitions given by the techniques are so grossly discordant with one another, that discussion on fundamentals remains, and long-run progress (as opposed to local progress) fails to occur. This state of affairs is brought to an end when someone invents a deeper, though cruder paradigm ..."
The Raku Study Group March 24, 2024 1pm in California, 8pm in the UK An informal meeting: drop by when you can, show us what you've got, ask and answer questions, or just listen and lurk. Perl and programming in general are fair game, along with Raku, Zoom meeting link: Passcode: 4RakuRoll RSVPs are useful, though not needed: