hello, > How would you write that expression using the feed operator?
I tried < afoo12 afoo2 > ==> {.sort: { | map { +$_ // $_ }, .split: /\d+/, :v }} ==> {map &say} and the error message is really interesting Only routine calls or variables that can '.append' may appear on either side of feed operators. on the other hand: I really don't understand why ==> even exists as method call syntax works well. < afoo12 afoo2 > .sort( { | map { +$_ // $_ }, .split: /\d+/, :v } ) .map(&say) what I would love instead is something closer than the haskell's $ operator with a very low priority so it could be possible to be parenthesis free. as example. I would like 1..10 ==> map * * 2 ==> say to be a joyful version of (1..10).map(* * 2).say regards -- Marc Chantreux Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche) Université de Strasbourg 14 rue René Descartes, BP 80010, 67084 STRASBOURG CEDEX