Thank you so much.
Just too things:
Do you find that the build in mics go softer when they get loud
noises? That is not a good thing, and also, when you connect it to pc,
does it bring up options for choosing the audio sound cardt or storage
device? Such as olympus? How do you select them?

On 14/11/2017, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:
> The time and date can be set and I've done it a couple of times, when
> you turn the unit on you hold down the "Stop/Record" button from memory
> and that puts you into the settings mode for time and date.
> The values start from a default and I think its year, month, day, hour
> then minute and a press of the "Stop/Record" button advances to the next
> set of digits.
> Only problem is I don't remember exactly what the default values are as
> its been ages since I've bothered setting the thing.
> You can also perform software updates and format SD cards by holding
> down other buttons whilst turning the Zoom H1 on.
> As far as MP3? Yes, I've recorded in specific MP3 modes and again - from
> memory - you can select between 128 and 320K which I've done.
> I used my T-Coil of my hearing isntruments to determine what bit rates
> the MP3 was set to, you can also change the sampling rate I think bout
> again not sure though it would all come back to me if I picked up the unit.
> Do not under estimate the MP3 encoder in the Zoom H1, you could for
> example set the encoding to 128K and record for hours and hours, a most
> useful logging tool for example.
> The format slide switch switches between MP3 and wave so you need to use
> the Forward/Rewind up/down buttons whilst in "Standby" mode to set the
> various MP3 bit rates - when the format switch is in MP3 format mode -
> or the various bit and sample rates for wave - when the format switch is
> in the Wave format mode -.
> Once sample and bit rates are set then they are memorised until the
> machine is reset so you can switch between your favourite wave and MP3
> format settings with the format switch.
> Whilst I've recorded a lot in MP3 I never really bothered with it for
> most recording applications.
> I used a 16GB card in my machines so I had plenty of space at my
> disposal for hours of good quality wave recording.
> I also concluded that - if I wanted MP3 encoding - it was just as easy
> to copy my recorded wave files from the Zoom H1 to the Mac or PC and do
> the encoding there.
> I've found the review of the Zoom H1 handy recorder as featured on Blind
> Cool Tech - Blind Fools Wreck if you prefer - and I link to it here so I
> hope you'll find that useful.
> On 11/14/2017 9:42 PM, Aidan wrote:
>> Hamit, good idea there. They must get the message somehow.
>> So dain what do you do when setting the time and date? And I guess you
>> never change the bitrate for mp3? I guess that is not possible with a
>> slide switch? Is wave the default?
>> On 14/11/2017, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> There's been a Podcast on the Zoom H1 done on Blind Cool Tech, I have
>>> the whole archive here so I'll dig about, see if I can find it.
>>> In the meantime - having been a very very happy Zoom H1 user for the
>>> last 7 years - I can tell you that the unit is very useable though you
>>> need to be aware of a few things before you start recording.
>>> The H1 does have an auto recording level function but recovery time and
>>> actual functionality seems to be very poor but there are ways around
>>> this.
>>> Use the auto level as a reference point to set your manual recording
>>> level to and then start recording in manual level mode.
>>> After the recording is done you can normalise it using your computer.
>>> The recorder has a default sampling rate of 44.1KHZ at 16 bit and
>>> normally there would be no need to change this.
>>> One can tell where the sampling rate is set but in order to do this -
>>> unless you can read the screen - you need some way of picking up the
>>> magnetic fields the processor etc of the recorder, the induction T-Coil
>>> of my hearing instruments is just fine for this, other options might be
>>> a sensitive phone amplifier.
>>> The H1 has 3 switches on the back, all of which are toggle switches and
>>> by default are set to down which is the off position, those switches are
>>> low-cut filter, manual/auto recording level and recording format - Wave
>>> or MP3 -.
>>> When the recorder is switched on it defaults to the "Standby" mode
>>> meaning the unit is ready to record when the "Record/Stop" button is
>>> pressed, the button is easily identifiable by its size and the round
>>> circle which encloses it on the front of the recorder.
>>> Whilst recording press the "Play" button - a small round button marked
>>> with a dot in later H1 models - to mark a position in a recording, press
>>> the "Record/stop" button to end a recording and press again to start a
>>> new recording, recordings can be manipulated when on your computer with
>>> a Sound editor.
>>> During playback recordings can be erased, use the forward/back buttons
>>> to move amongst your recordings and press the "Erase" button on the
>>> recording you wish to delete - the erase button is slightly indented
>>> from the rest of the buttons -.
>>> At this point the display brings up a confirmation dialog and I'm not
>>> sure exactly what you do here, I think you press "stop/record" to
>>> confirm or any other button to cancel, been a while since I've used the
>>> unit.
>>> Anyway good luck and I hope you enjoy your H1 just as much as I've
>>> enjoyed mine.
>>> On 11/14/2017 9:25 AM, Aidan wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> Does anyone no if Neil did a podcast on this, if so, can you pass it on
>>>> please?
>>>> Probibly the only zoom you can used with comfort?
>>>> I did email them before to ask if they can make their recorders
>>>> accessible, but they din't even answer me.
>>>> I guess no luck there.
>>>> I think they not aware of the importance of recording good quality for
>>>> us as well.
>>>> If they include human speech, they don't have to pay so much extra
>>>> costs such as olympus does with the dm7 since it uses tts.
>>>> And maybe a staff member will do it for free? who noes?
>>> --
>>> **********
>>> "For the gardener nothing is more handier than bulbs, I mean the one's
>>> you
>>> put in the ground and not the electric light one's."
>>> **********
> --
> **********
> "For the gardener nothing is more handier than bulbs, I mean the one's
> you put in the ground and not the electric light one's."
> **********

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