Hi, one key change to facilitate keyboard nivigation of an audio file is to turn auto-scroll lock on. check its condition in the view mmenue. If it is not anounced as checked, hit enter on it.
In the window menu, select classic control. See how you get on. Cheers, On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 16:42:39 -0700 "Donald L. Roberts" <donald.robert...@gmail.com> wrote: A few weeks ago, some list member posted a few modifications to optimize Goldwave performance with a screen reader. Because I have somehow misplaced that message, I would really appreciate its repost here. I remember that one setting change was in the zoom option, but I can't remember the others. Thanks. Don Roberts Joe Paton telephone: 01702 543624 Mobile: 0 7 9 6 7 3 8 2 9 6 4 web site: http://www.apart.org