Thanks for that, I’ll find the review and post a link here so you can compare 
it with what you know, may be helpful.

> On 6 May 2017, at 9:20 am, Mary Otten <> wrote:
> I did not read the access world review, and only fairly recently got the fire 
> TV stick. But it works fine, although some apps are not accessible. All of 
> the Amazon stuff is accessible. Netflix is accessible. You can adjust the 
> voice speed and the volume. So I'm not sure what you might be looking for 
> specifically in terms of accessibility questions.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 5, 2017, at 12:48 PM, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Does anyone on list own one of these devices? If so then how are you finding 
>> it.
>> I read a review of the device in an issue of Access World last year, I know 
>> someone who just bought one and thus was curious to know if any further 
>> progress had been made with subsequent updates of the Amazon Fire firware, 
>> the VoiceView Screen Reader, the Voice Remote Controller etc.
>> -- 
>> **********
>> "Live each day as if you were goiing to die tomorrow, learn each day as if 
>> you were going to live forever"

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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