Hi Steve.  Thank you for taking the time to listen and respond.

I'm afraid I wasn't given any more info on the issue but I was
surprised that such an issue was raised.  Out of interest, did you
listen with or without headphones (or both)?
Many thanks - take care.


On 4/21/17, Steve Jacobson <steve.jacob...@visi.com> wrote:
> Danny,
> I listened to the attached file and did not hear any echo nor did I observe
> any noticeable popping.  In particular, I noticed the letter "P" in the word
> "example" and that seemed to have been handled fine.  I wonder what sort of
> echo was observed?
> Best regards,
> Steve Jacobson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Danny
> Miles
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:42 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Subject: Issues with Mic Echo
> Hi everyone.  Apologies if this post strays off-topic - I believe it's
> relevant to the list so I've put it here but I guess it might be
> debatable.
> I've been setting up to work in audiobook narration and I recently
> made a demo recording.  One of the bits of feedback that I got
> suggested that there was echo on the recording, even though I
> deliberately purchased the Fame Mic Reflexion Screen Pro Set to
> prevent this from happening.  Also, despite using a wind screen (pop
> shield), there are occasional popping sounds.
> Personally, although I can hear the pops, I can't tell that there is
> any echo, but this may be because my ears simply aren't finely tuned.
> I'd be grateful if anyone who has the time and inclination could
> please listen to the file and tell me whether or not there appears to
> be echo and how I might be able to correct issues with both the echo
> and the popping ... bearing in mind that I'm using products to reduce
> both (perhaps there are positional issues or something else?).
> Additionally, although I know it's not an audio-related question
> related to this list, if anyone would be kind enough to give feedback
> on the quality (or lack of quality) of the narration itself that would
> also be much appreciated.
> If anyone is happy to assist, the file can be found at
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/mjfsty22x0sz1wv/Danny%20Miles%20-%20How%20To%20Exercise.mp3?dl=0
> Many thanks in advance for any help.
> Take care, Danny
> --
> Danny Miles
> Mobile:
> +44(0)7926 972762
> Email:
> toptunesda...@gmail.com
> Twitter:
> http://www.Twitter.com/TopTunesDanny
> Facebook:
> http://www.Facebook.com/AbilityGateway
> Skype:
> TopTunesDanny

Danny Miles
+44(0)7926 972762

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