Yep I do believe I have one, talking to Amazon Echo devices, my Samsung Galaxy S6 with Google Now Launcher and - as of today - the new Google Home.

For those living outside the US the Google Home provides more localised information than Amazon Echo at htis time, Google Home uses your Google account and the settings therein to get the information it needs wheras Amazon Echo is set to recognise either the US or the UK.

Setup of the Google home can be done from the App of the same name though be aware that during the setup process you'll need to change the language of your Phone - not the region - to English US, once the setup is complete you can revert to the original language.

The setup procedure is straight forward and easy to follow, I experienced no problem whatever in connecting the Google Home to my Wi-Fi network.

So all that done I started chatting with Google Home and found myself getting quite a bit of smart thinking out of the device but perhaps that's more because of my familiarity with the Google Now Launcher I have installed on my Samsung S6.

Google Now certainly told me where the nearest Pizza shop was and gave me the phone number, that's more than Amazon Echo is doing right now but that will change for those outside the US and the UK later on this year.

The most exciting thing I've found with Google Home from an Audio perspective is just how easily I can set things up to have music played on one of my Chromecast devices, I have a Chromecast in the lounge and a Chromecast Audio in the den named "Lounge" and "Den" rspectively.

So suppose I wanted to hear Elton John in my Lounge I would say something like "Okay Google", "Play Elton John on Lounge", amazing!

I know there are quite a few people on list who use Amazon Echo so I'm dead sure there are a few Google Home users out there too.

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