Okay...as I figured, I hadn't seen this when I sent that last post to the list! 
 But my question is this: it says "Amazon Android app!"  So does this mean that 
only people with Android phones can take advantage of this app?  I have an 
Iphone, so if this be the case, maybe I'm out of luck...or have I misread what 
this is saying!
Tom Kaufman

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 3:47 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa

Here's the link to the article and yep I was right and good on Amazon 
for addressing what I consider to be an obvious and unnecessary flaw in 
the firmware.


On 12/02/2017 7:26 AM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
> Dane:  I think you're probably right on track; at least that would also be my 
> guess as well!
> Tom Kaufman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 3:16 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
> Yep, will keep an eye on that, I don’t suppose you have any idea of what 
> exactly the hands free update does? I think I know and I’ll explain and I’ll 
> make it clear that I’m only guessing.
> With the Tap at present you have to press a button and then speak your 
> request to Tap.
> With the other units you just speak your request and that request is 
> performed so I’m guessing the firmware update for the tap illumines the need 
> to press the button before you start speaking?
>> On 12 Feb 2017, at 6:59 am, Clifford Blackwell <ceblackwe...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hope that all works out for you.  Let us know about the sound quality and 
>> look for the firmware update.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> <grtd...@internode.on.net>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 1:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>> Wow!
>>> My Tap comes tomorrow.
>>> On 12/02/2017 6:21 AM, Clifford Blackwell wrote:
>>>> I believe I just read that the Tap is getting a hand's free update that 
>>>> might make it even more user friendly.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>>>> <grtd...@internode.on.net>
>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 11:37 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>>> to your last comments about "The Pipes" first? Impressive, absolutely
>>>> impressive.
>>>> I had the Echo on my table behind my bed - shelf actually - and I
>>>> listened to a few Classic Albums I came upon on Spotify, the tone was
>>>> quite pleasing and something I could easily relax to but no, not as
>>>> wonderful as my B&W A7 and I didn't expect it to be either.
>>>> I think the Echo plays in mono so it was a damn good performance indeed
>>>> if that's the case.
>>>> Battery Base for the Dot? Makes all the sense in the world given that
>>>> the Dot can stream to Bluetooth speakers and headsets, I wonder why the
>>>> Echo won't do Bluetooth streaming both ways, you can stream to it of
>>>> course but you can't stream from it.
>>>> I'm thinking about whether or not to buy a Tap, in a review I read over
>>>> the weekend it was compared favourably to the Bose Soundlink Mini and I
>>>> had been thinking about getting the current version of the Bose so
>>>> perhaps its best to kill some b irds with a stone and just get the
>>>> Amazon Tap? Will think about it.
>>>> On 7/02/2017 3:04 AM, John Gurd wrote:
>>>>> I'm just catching up with this thread. Just to make it clear, the Dot 
>>>>> does not have a built-in battery. That's interesting you can get a 
>>>>> battery base for it (I didn't know that) but I personally don't think it 
>>>>> would be worthwhile. The Dot is fine for speech and books and even casual 
>>>>> radio but I wouldn't spend much time listening to music on it. I've never 
>>>>> connected it to external speakers. The Echo is much better for music but 
>>>>> it is still not as good as my Bose  Soundlink Mini or Creative Roar. I 
>>>>> noticed the Echo is very susceptible to positioning: on a table away from 
>>>>> a wall it is quite mid-rangey with little base, on a carpeted wooden 
>>>>> floor the base is very good but it's speech is too base heavy. I have it 
>>>>> on a table near a wall and it sounds reasonably good.
>>>>> Apart from the Hive skill, the following are the ones I found of most 
>>>>> use. The Guardian newspaper because it is very generous with the 
>>>>> unabridged articles it provides and they can be accessed in categories. I 
>>>>> was using the Telegraph occasionally but I removed it as suddenly the few 
>>>>> available articles are now truncated to the first few paragraphs. The 
>>>>> National Rail skill is very basic but great for quickly getting the times 
>>>>> and status of a single pre-set up route. I've enabled Radio Player as 
>>>>> well as the TuneIn Skill and have sometimes found radio stations that for 
>>>>> some reason TuneIn won't find. I've dabbled with the Magic Door game 
>>>>> which is a basic Interactive Fiction with sound effects and although it's 
>>>>> quite amusing I ultimately found it a bit limited. I've just enabled the 
>>>>> International Space Station skill and enjoy finding out where it is at 
>>>>> any given moment and when it will pass Glasgow next as well as news about 
>>>>> what the astronauts are doing. Alexa has a lot of hidden talents herself 
>>>>> but you have to work quite hard to find them and doing so is very hit and 
>>>>> miss.
>>>>> Oh, and just for you, Dane, I asked Alexa to play the Pipes. The first 
>>>>> time I got the Pogues instead and the second I got the Pipes of the Royal 
>>>>> Tank Command playing Chariots of Fire of all things. It didn't last long 
>>>>> as military bands are definitely not my thing. I'm not keen on the 
>>>>> Scottish Pipes on their own although there is a very excellent pipe-based 
>>>>> rock band called the Red Hot Chile Pipers. Sadly, Alexa will always think 
>>>>> you want the more famous Peppers. :)
>>>>> John
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of 
>>>>> Clifford Blackwell
>>>>> Sent: 04 February 2017 20:05
>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>>>> You can purchase a battery base for the Dot.  I haven't wanted to spend 
>>>>> the extra money on this though so I can't verify how well it works.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Dane Trethowan" <grtd...@internode.on.net>
>>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 5:57 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>>>>> Have you tried any "Skills" yet? I've tried a few such as 20
>>>>>> questions, Mystery Radio Theatre etc.
>>>>>> On 4/02/2017 10:18 AM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
>>>>>>> Yep...that's the one; it has a chargeable battery and seems to have
>>>>>>> good battery life; seems to charge up fairly quickly!
>>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>> Dane Trethowan
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:44 PM
>>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>>>>>> And the Tap is the one you have right? Is that battery powered?
>>>>>>>> On 4 Feb 2017, at 6:13 am, Tom Kaufman <tomca...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dane:  The Dot can be connected to a stereo, but not the Tap.
>>>>>>>> Tom Kaufman
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>> Dane Trethowan
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 5:25 AM
>>>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>>>>>>> Now that I’ve had mine up and running for a little longer than 24
>>>>>>>> hours I’m probably in a better position to reply to this eMail than
>>>>>>>> I was Yesterday.
>>>>>>>> Firstly a note to anyone in Australia or outside the US or UK who
>>>>>>>> may be thinking of going down the Echo path, is it worth it? Well
>>>>>>>> yep, I reckon it is and even better is the fact that setup requires
>>>>>>>> no hacks or cracks to be applied as was previously the case.
>>>>>>>> Your Echo will still think you’re somewhere else - Mine thinks I’m
>>>>>>>> in Seattle - but I can still get standard time for my local
>>>>>>>> location, this can be set easily in settings, in my case I chose the
>>>>>>>> Australian time zone and the NSW Eastern Time region, works fine!
>>>>>>>> If you’re in Australia then probably one of the best places to get
>>>>>>>> an Amazon Echo is from eBay, they sell for as little as around $100
>>>>>>>> Australian depending on the model you want.
>>>>>>>> I had my Echo 24 hours after I ordered it, the eBay store I bought
>>>>>>>> from dispatched the item using Australia Post Express Post.
>>>>>>>> The first thing I had to do was to find a wall adapter to make the
>>>>>>>> supplied power supply compatible with our AC mains socket, that done
>>>>>>>> it was just a matter of plugging the supply into the mains and
>>>>>>>> connecting to the Echo, the power lead plugs into the bottom of the
>>>>>>>> Echo and protrudes from the rear of the unit.
>>>>>>>> Echo will say “Hell” and I think she tells you you’re in setup mode
>>>>>>>> so you know you can proceed with the setup which is all done from
>>>>>>>> the Amazon Alexa home page.
>>>>>>>> For those using Echo now and who have it set up the home page is
>>>>>>>> well worth exploring if you haven’t done so already, so much there
>>>>>>>> to tweak and see.
>>>>>>>> Even though I’m in Australia I’ve had little trouble having my Echo
>>>>>>>> recognise the voice commands I’ve issued.
>>>>>>>> There’s a lot I can’t use but a hell of a lot I can, I can use
>>>>>>>> Spotify Premium with Echo however I can’t use Amazon’s Unlimited Music 
>>>>>>>> Service.
>>>>>>>> Radio is an oddity I have to admit, I can’t get Echo to tune into
>>>>>>>> many stations using voice commands however I can manually have Echo
>>>>>>>> tune into stations if I use the Tunein interface from the Echo Home
>>>>>>>> Page so go work that one out, if anyone manages to listen to radio
>>>>>>>> 2GB in Sydney Australia with their Echo then I’d be interested to
>>>>>>>> know how you did it with voice commands?
>>>>>>>> The Echo can be paired with an amazon remote controller, has anyone
>>>>>>>> done this?
>>>>>>>> I’m a little disappointed with the Bluetooth facilities offered, yes
>>>>>>>> you can stream to Echo using Bluetooth so that’s nice and handy if
>>>>>>>> you want to use Echo as a speaker for your mobile device etc but I’m
>>>>>>>> surprised that Echo can’t stream the other way - say stream the
>>>>>>>> output using Bluetooth to a pair of Bluetooth headphones etc.
>>>>>>>> To summarise, this purchase was well worth the while for me and I’m
>>>>>>>> sure I’m going to be served well for many years to come, I may even
>>>>>>>> consider buying one of the other Echo models such as the Dot, the
>>>>>>>> Tap can be connected to a stereo or television, is that right?
>>>>>>>>> On 2 Feb 2017, at 2:15 pm, Tom Kaufman <tomca...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> II am enjoying mine (I have the one that is known as the Tap)
>>>>>>>>> mostly listen to music on it...but it can do other things like tell
>>>>>>>>> you the weather, tell you a joke (haven't tried that yet) am sure
>>>>>>>>> there's lots of things you can ask her to do!
>>>>>>>>> Tom Kaufman
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>> Dane Trethowan
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 10:05 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Amazon Echo Alexa
>>>>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>>>> For those of you who have one of these - can’t say what it is again
>>>>>>>>> or the device will get upset when its name is called <smile> - then
>>>>>>>>> I sincerely hope you’re enjoying your as I am mine.
>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately Australia isn’t one of the support country’s for the
>>>>>>>>> product yet - I’m in Seattle apparently - so I still need to do a
>>>>>>>>> little tweaking.
>>>>>>>>> **********
>>>>>>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest
>>>>>>>>> of the halfwits in this world behind.
>>>>>>>> **********
>>>>>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest
>>>>>>>> of the halfwits in this world behind.
>>>>>>> **********
>>>>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest
>>>>>>> of the halfwits in this world behind.
> **********
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.

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