I took delivery of mine yesterday and I couldn't be happier with what this device does.

Of course - having read a lot of information published about the Echo Dot onlisnt and from other sources plus actually having an Echo myself - I pretty much knew what to expect however I've never seen a hockey puk before in my life and an Echo Dot is supposed to resmble a puk? Well I can't vouch for that myself <smile>.

Anyway its simple enough, just an Audio output jack - not sure whether it supports digital Optical out but I suspect not - and a Micro USB port for power.

On the top of the device are 4 buttons, volume up/down, microphone on/off and the "Action" button.

I Was warned that the Internal speaker of Dot wasn't anything flash though I didn't expect it to be given the size of the Dot but its certainly listenable enough if all you're planning to do is talk to Dot and receive feedback, you'll certainly want something better to stream to using Bluetooth or to connect to Dot if you're planning on listening to music.

So to my question, I believe I have the 2016 model Echo Dot, what's the difference between the 2016 and Second Generation of Dot?

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