Yes as I thought and I reckon the later Chromecast stuff would support
the 5.0GHZ Wi-Fi band.
On 20/12/2016 4:12 AM, Brian Olesen wrote:
HI Dane,
There are certainly newer versions out now, also with much better technical
specs and features.
I can't answer how it get the stream from, or if it maybe just buffers it.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Pc-audio [] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 19. december 2016 17:36
Til: PC Audio Discussion List <>
Emne: Re: ChromeCast.
I have a Chromecas though its one of the original models and I'm sure things
have changed since the time of the first model.
As I recall the Chromecast does have its own inteligence to a point, meaning that it
is able to take a stream from an external source such as Youtube and stream even if
the App on the phone or whatever is turned off, problem is then of course that you
can't stop the stream <smile>.
Why should you have an Airport Express with a Chromecast or is one better than
the other? Yep, one certainly does have better audio than the other and that's
the Airport Express however it really doesn't matter when all is said and done
because you won't be able to buy an Airport Express for much longer and I don't
even know whether you can actually still buy one anyway.
On 20/12/2016 1:10 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
Yesterday i tried the Chromecast for music at one of my friends and was very
But one thing i don’t get the hang of is how it actually can stream the music
or radio station even after you closed the app or even turned of your phone.
Does it connects directly to the stream itself instead of getting the info via
the phone like the airport express?
So why should i have the airport express then?
Can most apps stream through chromeCast on the Iphone?
TuneinRadio can do that and i guess vlc but how about apple Music and how about
other apps?