The Medium-Wave is not on the telescopic antenna, the radio uses either its own Ferrite bar or an External antenna for Medium and long wave bands.

The FM on the radio's telescopic antenna is very very good!

The antenna itself is a top quality whip with good construction and a double joint at the bottom, this takes the antenna slightly away from the radio thus enabling full adjustment, the antenna is about 30 inches long so you'll probably want to collapse 1 or 2 sections when using the antenna with FM.

On 3/12/2016 11:07 AM, Casey wrote:
hi you told us how the medium wave and shortwave is on the telescopic antenna.
So how is the F.M  on the antenna that comes with the radio?
And how is the A.m band on the radio not the shortwave band the A.M band is that just as good and sensitive as a lot of radio or better?


“Oh, I’m an activist and I’m OK / I sleep all night and I tweet all day.”

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