Hi all,

This discussion on cameras has lead me to ask a question of my own. I'm looking 
for a webcam that a totabbly blind person can use. I teach piano online using 
skype and facetime, and was wondering if there is a camera I can hook up to my 
ipad that can show my hands etc? As a blind person I'm not going to able to 
adjust it myself, so wondering if something will do the job. I heard there is a 
glasses one that works via bluetoth where it will focus on what I look at.

Any ideas on how to operate a webcam blind?

On 02/12/2016 1:08 am, Matthew Chao <mattc...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Hi, Andy.  First, you don't meed a mic, as the cameras have built-in 
> ones, quite nice, in fact.  The Hero5 series actually record in stereo. 
> GoPro makes attachments for wrists, arms and legs.  Additionally, 
> there's a chest harness that you can wear.  Minor problem is that the 
> GoPro's mics are so sentitive that you'll hear a lot of thumping when 
> walking - that's the sound of your feet as you plod along. 
> So, long story short:  If you're going to get a GoPro, get the Hero5 
> Session.  Hope this all helps.--Matt & Quill. 
> On 12/1/2016 6:15 AM, Andy wrote: 
> > Hi Mat. 
> > 
> > Thanks for the advice regarding the Gopro cameras. 
> > 
> > I've been searching my local suppliers over here in Scotland since 
> > your message and it's looking a bit complicated. 
> > 
> > I accept that you were saying about the Gopro hero 5.  I can find 2 
> > models the one you suggest and a larger model, more expensive called 
> > the Gopro Hero 5 black. 
> > 
> > So I'd probably go with your suggestion, but which of the Hero 5 range? 
> > 
> > Another complication is about fitments and attachments.  I'd probably 
> > need sighted assistence to look at these pages for I don't really 
> > understand what they are, apart from a gun grip or extension pole.  
> > I'd like something to attach it to my upper chest and perhaps a 
> > similar attachment for my dog, for a dog's eye view of training. 
> > 
> > The final difficulty is that I notice that the 5 has an external 
> > mini-usb for connecting a 3D binaural microphone set up.  I'd much 
> > rather this was a quarter inch socket. 
> > 
> > So it looks like I have quite a lot of work to do before I actually 
> > make my purchase.  But it will be the Hero 5 right enough. 
> > 
> > Thanks again for your help. 
> > 
> > Very best wishes. 
> > 
> > Andy. 
> > 
> >> From Scotland with Love. 
> > 
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Chao" <mattc...@verizon.net> 
> > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> 
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 1:05 AM 
> > Subject: Re: Can a total operate a Go Pro camera guys 
> > 
> > 
> >> Hi, Andy.  I had a GoPro Hero4 Silver, and yes, a blind person can 
> >> use it. However, you should have a sighted person put it into video 
> >> mode before you leave for training.  You use the top button to start 
> >> the video, and to stop it.  When you stop the video, you get three 
> >> beeps to know that that's what happened. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> The above said, however, a GoPro Hero5 would be better, as it has 
> >> voice control.  For example, you can say "GoPro start video" and 
> >> "GoPro stop recording".  Suggest you buy the Hero5 Session for $299.  
> >> Hope this helps.--Matt & Quill. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On 11/29/2016 6:43 PM, Andy wrote: 
> >>> Hi all. 
> >>> 
> >>> Thinking of doing some video recording to send to family and 
> >>> friends, in particular, my up-coming guide dog training. 
> >>> 
> >>> I'm thinking of buying a Go Pro 4 Silver 32GB and a set of Binaural 
> >>> external micropones to capture these podcasts. 
> >>> 
> >>> This camera has a single button to turn the device on and start 
> >>> recording. 
> >>> 
> >>> That's all I know about it apart from the fact that the screen is a 
> >>> touch screen and does not have anything like voice over. 
> >>> 
> >>> So, given the high cost of this camera microphone set up, I'm a 
> >>> little concerned that as a totally blind person, I'd be unable to 
> >>> use this camera. 
> >>> 
> >>> Has anyone on this list any experience of using a Go Pro camera who 
> >>> could give me a little advice please. 
> >>> 
> >>> Very best wishes. 
> >>> 
> >>> Andy. 
> >>> 
> >>>> From Scotland with Love. 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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