Hi John.

No offer of a dog yet John unfortunately as I have not had a working guide dog since March 2015 so you don't need me to spell out what that means to your family and social life.

Absolutely increditable eh? If I was still working in SW, I'd have lost my job by now. I've not been able to take John Turley up with his training sessions since March 2015. Such a shame.

I'm not complaining, and I'm keeping my head down as I don't want to ruffle any feathers.

The GDBA have told me that my priority cannot get any higher, so there is a huge problem at the moment with GDBA, if an experienced dog handler has to wait almost 2 years for a replacement.

I'm a member of an English GD list and this long wait would appear common practice John throughout the UK and people are up in arms.

Much of it has to do with the support the GDBA have offered to the Blind Children's Society, so I cannot complain too much can I really?

As for the Gopro. You are of course absolutely right, but perhaps on an individual, rather than a policy level, something may be done. Perhaps not.

I did discuss this matter with a member from another team in the past and we came to the conclusion, that any recording I had made and intended to post, would firstly go through the GDBA for approval, but this attitude is probably much hardened these days, as staff are feeling more and more threatened by members waiting for a service.

The Chances of getting approval are probably very small, but if the process was vetted, It could prove a very powerful PR and awareness exersise , for the GDBA.

Not going to hold my breath anyway John as the idea of buying a Gopro Hero 5 Black with 3D microphones becomes more and more complicated and complex and to be honest, I'm not sure how accessable these devices are, so I'll probably just wait for that call and ask them then, , I suppose.


Which lap-top did you buy John? Was it a dell? Was the keys tactyle enough and did you get a good price?

Very best wishes.


----- Original Message ----- From: "John Gurd" <j.g...@ntlworld.com>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 5:36 PM
Subject: RE: Can a total operate a Go Pro camera guys

Hi Andy
Before you splash the cash it might be worth checking with Guide Dogs that
they are okay about recording training sessions. They may view it as a
potential distraction and the individual trainer may have reservations about
being filmed at work.

Hope it works out though, and glad you're getting that dog at last.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: 01 December 2016 14:09
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Can a total operate a Go Pro camera guys

Hi, Andy.  First, you don't meed a mic, as the cameras have built-in ones,
quite nice, in fact.  The Hero5 series actually record in stereo.

GoPro makes attachments for wrists, arms and legs.  Additionally,
there's a chest harness that you can wear.  Minor problem is that the
GoPro's mics are so sentitive that you'll hear a lot of thumping when
walking - that's the sound of your feet as you plod along.

So, long story short:  If you're going to get a GoPro, get the Hero5
Session.  Hope this all helps.--Matt & Quill.

On 12/1/2016 6:15 AM, Andy wrote:
Hi Mat.

Thanks for the advice regarding the Gopro cameras.

I've been searching my local suppliers over here in Scotland since
your message and it's looking a bit complicated.

I accept that you were saying about the Gopro hero 5.  I can find 2
models the one you suggest and a larger model, more expensive called
the Gopro Hero 5 black.

So I'd probably go with your suggestion, but which of the Hero 5 range?

Another complication is about fitments and attachments.  I'd probably
need sighted assistence to look at these pages for I don't really
understand what they are, apart from a gun grip or extension pole.
I'd like something to attach it to my upper chest and perhaps a
similar attachment for my dog, for a dog's eye view of training.

The final difficulty is that I notice that the 5 has an external
mini-usb for connecting a 3D binaural microphone set up.  I'd much
rather this was a quarter inch socket.

So it looks like I have quite a lot of work to do before I actually
make my purchase.  But it will be the Hero 5 right enough.

Thanks again for your help.

Very best wishes.


From Scotland with Love.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Chao" <mattc...@verizon.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: Can a total operate a Go Pro camera guys

Hi, Andy.  I had a GoPro Hero4 Silver, and yes, a blind person can
use it. However, you should have a sighted person put it into video
mode before you leave for training.  You use the top button to start
the video, and to stop it.  When you stop the video, you get three
beeps to know that that's what happened.

The above said, however, a GoPro Hero5 would be better, as it has
voice control.  For example, you can say "GoPro start video" and
"GoPro stop recording".  Suggest you buy the Hero5 Session for $299.
Hope this helps.--Matt & Quill.

On 11/29/2016 6:43 PM, Andy wrote:
Hi all.

Thinking of doing some video recording to send to family and
friends, in particular, my up-coming guide dog training.

I'm thinking of buying a Go Pro 4 Silver 32GB and a set of Binaural
external micropones to capture these podcasts.

This camera has a single button to turn the device on and start

That's all I know about it apart from the fact that the screen is a
touch screen and does not have anything like voice over.

So, given the high cost of this camera microphone set up, I'm a
little concerned that as a totally blind person, I'd be unable to
use this camera.

Has anyone on this list any experience of using a Go Pro camera who
could give me a little advice please.

Very best wishes.


From Scotland with Love.

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