Hello Adam,

MP3 gain is working here just fine.

windows 10.

Is the file type mp3 or another type? m4a or mp4 for example,
these audio files will not have their gain changed and will yield errors.

Best regards,


On Sat, 12 Nov 2016 20:44:41 +1100
Adam Morris <li...@damorris.com> wrote:

Hi all,

am trying to increase volumes of audio tracks using mp3 gain and windows 10..

I get an error when applying track gain to a single file and the log file 
doesn't open.

If mp3 gain isn't supported by windows 10, what program do others use for 
increasing volume on tracks that don't need editing?


Adam Morris
Jaws certified 2016


Joe Paton <j...@vi-ability.demon.co.uk>

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