Yes there are, Yamaha make a pair though I can’t remember the model number now.

> On 10 Oct. 2016, at 6:52 pm, John Gurd <> wrote:
> I am curious to know if there are any stereo speaker pairs that can do 
> Airplay. Has anyone come across anything like this?
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: 08 October 2016 21:18
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: AirPlay Speakers
> Hi!
> Since we�ve been discussing airPlay quite a bit lately I thought it time to 
> ask the question again, is there a good portable AirPlay speaker still 
> available?
> I don�t know the exact answer to that question but if you�re talking about a 
> good quality portable AirPlay speaker then I would suggest that such a thing 
> is rather thin on the ground.
> The irony of all this is that I bought - what I believe to be - one of the 
> best Portable Airplay speaker systems to have been produced in the form of 
> the Bose Soundlink Air, that was 3 years ago so this model is no longer 
> available.
> The Bose Soundlink Air even sounded far different than the usual run of the 
> mill stuff from Bose exhibiting quite nice highs, quite a bit of mid range 
> and not the overpowering bass you usually hear from Bose stuff.
> So why isn�t the Bose Soundlink Air being sold any longer? Well battery life 
> isn�t very good at around 3 hours on high volume but I can assure you that no 
> one in their right mind would listen to the Bose Soundlink Air at anywhere 
> near high volume but - suppose you did - you�d still hear lovely clear sound, 
> how the Bose Soundlink Air can still pump out sound with no distortion at 
> such a volume in a portable is truly remarkable.
> The other problem with the Soundlink Air was that it didn�t actually come 
> with a battery, that accessory was sold separately costing a good quarter of 
> the value of the system itself but still, well worth it it you wanted a truly 
> portable system with a good sound.
> Setup is easy enough and the Bose can connect to your iPhone in three 
> different ways, �Wi-Fi Direct mode�, the phone communicates directly with the 
> Soundlink Air, �Standard Wi-Fi�, the Soundlink Air joins your Home Network 
> via Wi-Fi and the Aux-in jack, your choice.
> The soundlink Air comes with a very nice remote control that puts volume and 
> track selection at your fingertips, though the buttons look like your rotten 
> typical rubbery cheap remote control buttons they�re far from cheap, the 
> rubber covers nice clicky type buttons, you feel and hear them click.
> So why am I mentioning the Soundlink Air if its not available any longer? I 
> did find a couple of new Soundlink Air�s available at very reasonable prices 
> to my way of thinking, around half of what they were worth originally so - 
> given that and if you�re looking for a good AirPlay speaker with plenty of 
> flexibility and functionality - then the Bose Soundlink Air - if you can 
> still buy it - is a true bargain which you�ll treasure for quite a long time.
> List members may remember that I recorded a sample of the Soundlink Air which 
> I posted to the list quite some time ago.
> And finally, if other list members have suggestions for a good portable 
> AirPlay speaker then perhaps they could post them, always interested to hear 
> about other devices.
> Another good portable AirPlay speaker one might consider is the Denon Cocoon, 
> the Cocoon is more functional than the Bose Soundlink Air but is nowhere near 
> as powerful.
> **********
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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