And of course the swivel antenna on the top is the easiest thing broken on the 
radio and the hardest thing fixed so naturally the owner of one of these radios 
has to treat that antenna with a little TLC.
From various articles I’ve read I’ve learnt that some people didn’t handle the 
antenna with the care it deserved, rather they used the antenna as a handle so 
go figure <smile>, the radio is provided with an excellent adjustable carry 

> On 30 Sep. 2016, at 9:15 am, Donald L. Roberts <> 
> wrote:
> Dane, I owned one of these shortly after they were introduced.  I thought it 
> was a marvelous receiver for the price.  I especially loved the swivel 
> antenna on the top thus obviating the need to turn the set to receive optimal 
> signal.
> Don Roberts
> On 9/29/2016 11:27 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> I sampled a station from Wagin in Western Australia - about 2100 miles away 
>> from me - and thought I’d share it with you.
>> I sampled this from my new Panasonic RF2200 Vintage World Band radio and by 
>> new I mean that I’ve just acquired one, the radio itself is around 40 years 
>> old but now its been fully aligned and you can hear the results for yourself.
>> Unfortunately weather conditions around the country - as you’ll hear - are a 
>> little unstable right now, lots of lightning etc so I think the RF2200 did a 
>> fantastic job at reception overall.
>> What makes the RF2200 unique is the rotating ferrite AM antenna on the top 
>> so you can nut out other stations in the background to an extent.
>> The RF2200 has very finely tuned circuits which make the radio hotter than a 
>> fire cracker when it comes to AM reception, very reasonable on short wave 
>> and okay on FM though not as good as many of today’s modern-Day FM radio 
>> sets though that’s to be expected given most now use DSP technology which 
>> certainly wasn’t around 40 years ago <smile>.
>> The sample was made using the microphones of the Olympus DM4 and you may 
>> notice a little echo since the Olympus recorder was some distance away from 
>> the radio to avoid any additional interference being added to the sample.
>> <>
>> **********
>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
>> halfwits in this world behind.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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