That's just too bad! <smile>.

On 13/09/2016 3:55 AM, John Gurd wrote:
Oh I just realised, I'm a bit ahead of myself. IOS 10 is released tomorrow,
Tuesday, not today. Looks like I'll have to kerb my excitement for another
24 hours (smiles).


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Mary
Sent: 12 September 2016 18:11
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Apple Music Challenges Spotify with Playlists

Hi John,
Apple Music is definitely better in iOS 10. When you try it, I would be
curious how you compare it with Spotify, since that is a service I was
considering until I put the beta on my iPhone and started saying how much
better Apple Music suggestions were for me. They have playlists the change
every day and suggested albums that  change every day.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:06 AM, John Gurd <> wrote:

Ah well, Dane, you're making the mistake a lot of people do when you
equate new music with Top 40. Personally, I can't stand Top 40 either,
but I am interested in experimental, alternative and World music that
will never get into the charts, and even very occasionally, jazz and
In fact I've been considering switching from Apple Music and trying
out Spotify for this reason. I heard a fascinating interview with the
guy in charge of writing music algorithms for Spotify, and they sound
way in advance of Apple's. They are much better at serving up what you
are likely to like as well as old favourites and obscure stuff you
might not have heard. Up to now I've found Apple's offerings very
pedestrian and predictable and they just keep offering more of the
same. An interesting thing about Spotify is that they keep an eye on
listeners who tend to be consistently ahead of the curve in the music
you may be interested in and use their delvings to inform the
algorithms that help you discover new music. So the clever thing is
that it's not just what the big music corporations have decided what
should be in the charts.
Anyway, having heard that Apple seems to be becoming more like Spotify
in the way the app works I'll hold off and try it in IOS 10 before
trying out Spotify.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
Mary Otten
Sent: 12 September 2016 02:31
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Apple Music Challenges Spotify with Playlists

Well, I can't speak for Spotify, but one of the nice things about the
newly reorganized Apple Music in iOS 10 is that you get every day,
some albums that it think she will like, based on what it knows about
your listening habits. You also get to view new releases and genres
that it thinks you like, based on what it knows about your listening
habits. I assume Spotify must do something similar in their discovery tab.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2016, at 6:27 PM, Dane Trethowan
Seems as though Apple Music and Spotify are going to be the big
players in
the Music Subscription business before long.
One thing I'm puzzled about though and perhaps someone can answer
why do Apple Music and Spotify always concentrate on "New Music", most
new music I absolutely despise - I'm not a listener to Top 40 radio
and haven't been for 20 years or more along with a whole heap of otehr
people Im sure - <smile>.

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