Dean think its quickmix. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dean
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 1:47 PM
Subject: recording mixer program; scheduling and recording audio in Win10
Anniversary edition

Hello.  After a computer crash, I have lost a little information and a lot
of functionality.  


I cannot remember the name and URL for the little free program that lets you
choose your sound source to record on a pc.


I restored this computer to default and then upgraded to windows 10
Anniversary Edition.  Since then, even running as an administrator, I cannot
schedule or record with Replay Radio, or schedule with Tapin Radio Pro.  I
have yet to figure this out.  If anybody can suggest why the same computer
which used to run windows 10 has now lost these abilities in windows 10
anniversary Edition, I would love to understand it; my Google search didn't

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