I’ve not gone around recording video but two things do come to mind. You talk of audio and video as they’re two different things? A video camera records audio usually as far as I know with the vision so audio and vision are of the same thing. Surprisingly the humble smart phone does an excellent job at video recording these days particularly the high end offerings from Apple and Samsung so you might wish to think about just using this if you already have one. Further to this, you mentioned you have a Zoom H6? Zoom also have a range of inexpensive video cameras that start recording at the touch of a button though I don’t know if the recording is anywhere near the quality you get from your standard smartphone? I suspect not.
> On 4 Sep 2016, at 3:54 AM, Andy <meikle.ai...@btinternet.com> wrote: > > Hi all. > > I'm thinking of getting one of those Go Pro video cameras so I can record my > Guide Dog training and other possible podcasts. > > I've got a Zoom H6 and wish to use this for the audio and the Go Pro for the > video, later on, but for the moment, all I want to do is grab the experience. > > The Go Pro I'm interested in has a single button on it's front, when pressed, > recording starts imediately. > > > Has anyone any experience of these devices? > > Very best wishes and kind regards > Andy Logue. > From Scotland with love. ********** Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the halfwits in this world behind.