Welcome to the club.
> On 22 Aug 2016, at 02:24, Brian Olesen <br...@blindkom.dk> wrote:
> Hi Dane,
> Although spotify seam to work nice on Sonos and iOS it's still a very
> complicated matter to use with an ordinary pc.
> Shame on them.
> Therefor I whent appleMusic.
> Brian
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Dane
> Trethowan
> Sendt: 21. august 2016 22:09
> Til: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Emne: The evolution of Spotify
> Hi!
> If you've not taken a serious look at the Spotify Music platform in a
> good while - and you like your music just the way you want it and not
> how your local radio station wants it - then take a good look at the
> modern Spotify.
> I won't go into all the changes I noticed since I last saw it before
> today but the changes are numerous and these changes have really given
> me something to think about regarding the other Music services I'm
> subscribed to, it might very well be that you'll find that Spotify will
> provide your each and every need for your music listening habits.
> particularly if you're a Spotify Premium user.
> I used the Spotify IOS App to do my exploration, I found accessibility
> to be first class.
> Right now I'm listening to the "Soft Rock" playlist on Spotify through a
> Spotify connect device, the Sangean WRF28D portable radio.
> Connecting the device wasn't hard to do, I just selected Spotify from
> the Source list for the radio using the Undok App, I then opened the
> Spotify App from Undok and used the Connect icon at the bottom of the
> screen to locate the radio, the music started playing through it when I
> double-tapped the "Play" icon.