Exactly and I'll tell you why.
There's a page at radiotunes.com which allows the premium user of radiotunes.com to add their favourite radiotunes.com channels to radio players which include Hardware players such as the Squeezebox players from logitech, Players from Sangean, Denon and Yamaha etc as well as software players such as VLC, iTunes and so on for Windows.
Now suppose I select to add radio channels to a hardware player such as a radio from Sangean and follow the instructions given by the site, there's a list box of the channels you can add so the idea is to select one of those an copy the URL to be used in "My Added stations" on the players web site.
Jaws, Window-Eyes and even VoiceOver for the Mac pretend that there's no list box for the channel listing but not NVDA, the list box is shown and all I have to do to navigate it is to move the mouse to the list and click on it, thereby bringing up all the channels so I just navigate to the channel I want and the URL is there in the below read-only edit box for me to copy.
And here's the link to the particular page at radiotunes.com for those who have a premium account and whish to add there favourite channels to there favourite Internet radio, Network Player, Software Player etc.